Sunday, January 25, 2015

Reception Decor and Colors

My colors for my wedding are blue and silver. I found some really neat ideas for center pieces and decor that I could use. 

I like the use of water beads here, I will be using these in
fishbowls for my wedding. 
I love the use of tulle and lights on the ceiling
at this reception, I will definitely be trying this.

This reception is absolutely stunning. I love the use of lighting
and the light colors flow really well. 

A really cute and simple idea for centerpieces.
Just a candle holder with ribbon hot glued to it,
and a ribbon tied around with a flower hot glued
to the center.

1 comment:

  1. Super nice Reception Decor and Color inspirations! That’s what I was looking for. Actually I’ll also get married in next year in summer season at famous outdoor lofty spaces. I would like to have a night ceremony so these ideas are going to be extremely useful.
